Madarajima Documents have been newly released by a joint project with Princeton University
14 items of Madarajima Documents have been newly released by a joint project with Princeton University

The Madarajima Documents (斑島文書) consist of one scroll containing 14 documents that were issued by commanders from the first half of the 14th century to the middle of the 16th century. This scroll was purchased in November 1916 from the long-established Kyoto antiquarian bookshop Chikuho Shoro (竹苞書楼).
The scroll contains a monogrammed edict (gohan mikyojō 御判御教書) and a conveyance by the shogun’s chief of staff (kanrei hōsho 管領奉書)" guaranteeing the rights of the Ōkusa family in Tajiri district, Suruga Province, as well as documents issued by other famous generals such as Ashikaga Takauji, Ashikaga Tadafuyu, Hosokawa Yoriyuki, Hosokawa Takakuni, and Ōuchi Yoshitaka.
Three documents are addressed to the Madarajima family of Hizen Province, which is why Kyoto University has named these scrolls as the Madarajima Documents. These three letters were later conveyed to the Ariura family, a descendant of the Madarajima.
Kyoto University and Princeton University have initiated a joint project in March 2020 in order to deepen the knowledge and awareness of Japanese history and culture throughout the world. The goal is to disseminate images, transcriptions, translations, and research about Japanese documents owned by the Kyoto University Museum.
The Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University Library Network and the Department of East Asian Studies of Princeton University will collaborate in carrying out this project.