21 materials on natural history owned by the Biological Science Library, Faculty of Science have been released
Twenty one materials on natural history owned by the Biological Science Library, the Faculty of Science have been released. These are rare materials that cannot be found elsewhere, including fine botanical illustrations and manuscript research records.
▼The Age of Natural History
Surveys of Japanese Plant specimens in several European Herbaria by G. Koidzumi
- Plantae Japonicae Thunbergianae (RB00031713)
- Plantae Japonicae Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi (RB00031841)
- Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Musei Parisiensis (RB00031842)
- 在蘭佛日本植物範型考索引 (RB00031843)
- The revisions of the type specimens of Japanese plants preserved in the various herbariums of Europa and America (RB00031844)
Original drawings by T. Yamada for "Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper, vol. 3" (searchable)
Natural History and Taxonomy related Books
- Flora Sibirica, sive historia plantarum Sibiriae, Tomus 1 (RB00031715)
- Fundamenta agrostographiae (RB00031716)
- Historiae Naturalis de Arboribus et Plantis (RB00031717)
- 壇朝顔通 (RB00031718)
- llustrations and descriptions of the plants which compose the natural order Camellieae, and of the varieties of Camellia japonica, cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain (RB00031719)
- llustrations of the Botany and Other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains, and of the Flora of Cashmere (RB00031720)
- Vierundzwanzig Vegetations-Ansichten von Kustenlandern und Inseln des Stillen Oceans (RB00031721)
- Hymenophyllaceae Javanicae; sive descriptio Hymenophyllacearum archipelagi Indici, Iconibus illustrata (RB00031722)
- A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. Vol. II.―Plates (RB00031723)
- Monographie der Medusen, Theil 2 (RB00031724)
- Hooker's Icones plantarum; or, figures with descriptive characters and remarks, of new or rare plants, selected from the Kew Herbarium. Fourth series. vol. 8 (RB00031725)
- Kunstformen der Natur, Zweite, versurzte Auflage in 30 Tafeln (RB00031726)
- A Monograph of the Snakes of Japan (RB00031727)
- 原色版 日本蛇類圖譜(和文テキスト)・(図版) (RB00031728)
- 原色版 日本蛇類圖説 (RB00031729)
The restoration and digitization of these rare materials were funded by the Global COE program "Formation of a strategic base for biodiversity and evolutionary research" from 2010 to 2012 and the digital data was publicized in the "Biological Science Library Digital Archives" website operated by the Faculty of Science. The data has this time been transferred to Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, a university-wide platform to make digitized rare materials open access.
As of October 9, 2020, the Digital Archive provides 1,372,575 images of 17,663 titles.
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