Zokyo Shoin Collection consists of Buddhist sutras and books collected from the archives of temples by a publisher in Kyoto, Zokyo Shoin and is categorized in four sections: “Zokyo Shoin-bon”, “Nichizo-bon (published)”, “Nichizo-bon (unpublished)” and “Shinshu-bon”. The most distinct feature of the collection is that Zokyo Shoin-bon was collected as original text for the publication of Dainihon Zoku Zokyo and Nichizo-bon (published) for Nihon Daizokyo. In addition, Nichizo-bon, both published and unpublished, includes writings by Buddhist priests of great learning of every Japanese Buddhist sect.
1. Zokyo Shoin-bon
Zokyo Shoin-bon is a collection of Buddhist sutras and books used as original text for Dainihon Zoku Zokyo, which was compiled under the leadership of Tatsue Nakano (1871-1934) and published by Zokyo Shoin from April 1905 to 1912.
Dainihon Zoku Zokyo consists of 750 volumes of Buddhist sutras and books in 150 cases selected from 6,957 volumes of original texts written by over 950 Buddhists collected from the archives of temples. Zoku Zokyo includes many noted writings by Indian or Chinese Buddhists, which previously published Dainihon Kotei Kunten Daizokyo did not cover.
Around 4,270 volumes were donated to the library by Jinzaemon Matsumura of Zokyo Shoin in 1914.
2. Nichizo-bon (published)
Nichizo-bon (published) consists of the books used as original text for Dainihon Daizokyo (edited by Tatsue Nakano et al., published by Zokyo Shoin : 1914-1921) and related documents.
Seven hundred and ninety-eight volumes were donated to the library by Tatsue Nakano in April 1933.
3. Nichizo-bon (unpublished)
Nichizo-bon (unpublished) is composed of the books on Japanese Buddhism collected for a planned but unrealized sequel to Nihon Daizokyo, a Zokyo in 48 volumes compiled in Japan including writings by more than 300 Japanese Buddhists. The collection includes writings by Buddhist priests of great learning of every Japanese Buddhist sect.
The library bought 2,065 volumes from Tatsue Nakano in 1925.
4. Shinshu-bon
This section includes books on Shinshu Sect.
Seven hundred and twenty-one volumes were donated to the library by Jinzaemon Matsumura of Zokyo Shoin in 1914.
(ref. 京都大学附属図書館編「京都大学附属図書館六十年史」第3章第3節)
The number of records in KULINE is 3,250 in total, including 1,649 Zokyo Shoin-bon, 360 Nichizo-bon (published), 869 Nichizo-bon (unpublished) and 372 Shinshu-bon.
The digitization of works by Japanese authors in Zokyo Shoin Collection is conducted under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.
The digitization of part of Zokyo Shoin Collection is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP19HP8002, JP20HP8001, JP22HP8002 and JP23HP8002).