Surveys of Japanese Plant specimens preserved in Uppsala, Leiden, Paris, and other European Herbaria by G. Koidzumi ヨーロッパの植物標本館に保存されている日本産植物標本の調査
- Plantae Japonicae Thunbergianae(ツュンベリー蒐集日本産植物)
- Plantae Japonicae Musei Botanici Lugduno Batavi(ライデン植物標本館所蔵日本産植物)
- Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Musei Parisiensis(パリ自然史博物館所蔵日本産植物考)
- Index Plantarum to the Koidzumi's Plantae Japonicae Musei Lugduno-Batavi and Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Muei Parisiensis(在蘭佛日本植物範型考索引)
- The revisions of the type specimens of Japanese plants preserved in the various herbariums of Europa and America(欧米植物標本館所蔵の日本産植物基準標本)
G. Koidzumi of the Department of Botany made an extensive survey of the specimens preserved in several herbaria in Europe and America in the period from 1925 to 1927. He first visited Uppsala in April 1925, and during his stay of nearly 4 months, examined the specimens collected by Carl Thumberg in the 18th century. In August, he moved to Leiden and stayed there until the end of the year to study the plant specimens kept in the herbarium of the university. These specimens had been collected by many botanists, among whom Siebold had contributed most. These include many type specimens. Koidzumi spent the first half of 1926 in Paris to survey the many specimens collected by Franchet and Savatier in the 19th century. He then visited München, where Zuccarini worked, and the Kew, and then crossed the Atlantic to examine specimens preserved in the Gray Herbarium at Harvard. This series of work is the first effort to thoroughly examine the type specimens on which many plant species distributed in and around Japan were described by the European botanists, and is therefore important in the study of east Asian flora.
The results of the survey are compiled in four volumes, with the text (including a number of drawings) handwritten mostly on one side of the leaves of pages, occasionally with footnotes and supplements on the facing pages. The volumes contain 50 or so pages of plates at their ends. "Revisio Plantae Japonicae Thunbergianae" has a species names index after the text, whereas for "Revisio Plantae Japonicae Musei Botanici Lugduno Batavi" and "Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Musei Parisiensis", the indices are compiled in a separate volume as "Index Plantarum to the Koidzumi's Plantae Japonicae Musei Lugduno-Batavi and Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Musei Parisiensis".
(Lugdunum Batavorum refers to Leiden. "Revisio Plantae Japonicae Thunbergianae" shown here is a digitisation of a black and white microfilm.)
(written by Tsutomu Hikida, Kei Inoue / cooperated by Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Juichi Yamagiwa)