
New Items - 1,114 titles from Fujikawa Coll., 1,328 titles from Kawai Coll., etc.

The 2,460 newly digitized titles during academic year 2017 - 1,114 titles from Fujikawa Collection, 1,328 titles from Kawai Collection and others - are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, in which a total of 717,532 images of 8,438 titles are available as of March 30, 2018.

▼Fujikawa Collection
Fujikawa Collection consists of about 5,000 medical books formerly held by Yu Fujikawa, Doctor of medicine and literature. Funded by a special fund to strengthen the universities' function, we have digitized 1,114 titles during academic year 2017.

日用食性和解大全 3巻
日用食性和解大全 3巻

▼Kawai Collection
Kawai Collection consists of Korean classical manuscripts and books collected by Dr. Hirotami Kawai. Kyoto University Library, the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and the Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University have been engaged in a collaboration project since 2015. One thousand three hundred and twenty eight manuscripts digitized under this project are now newly available.
