
Three books from the Main Library have been newly released

Three books, Gosan shichiya shidai oboe, Ikoku monogatari and Ehon ikoku ichiran held in the Main Library have been newly released.


Gosan shichiya shidai oboe (御産七夜次第覚) from the Nakanoin Collection is an autograph document by Nakanoin Michimura (中院通村 1588-1653), and is a memorandum on birth rituals at the Imperial Court.
Nakanoin Collection was formerly held by Michinori Nakanoin (1856-1925). The family's contribution to research in Japanese literature is acknowledged. In particular, Michikatsu (1558-1610) and Michimura are renowned for their deep knowledge of Japanese literature, especially waka (31-syllable Japanese poetry). Furthermore, the memorandums of the authoritative precedents of court ceremonies and the records of religious rites are important materials for research in the history of people’s lives.




Ikoku monogatari (異國物語) and Ehon ikoku ichiran (繪本異國一覽) are illustrated books of ethnography published in the Edo period that depict the characteristics of people around the world. In addition to real countries, legendary countries also appear in these books.





There are some more illustrated books of ethnography published in the Edo period in the Digital Archive.
12titles including 西夏文華嚴經 and 万国人物図 have been newly released (2022-02-04)