595 Nichizo-bon (unpublished) of Zokyo Shoin Collection have been newly digitized and released

Zokyo Shoin Collection consists of Buddhist sutras and books collected from the archives of temples by a publisher in Kyoto, Zokyo Shoin and is categorized in four sections: “Zokyo Shoin-bon”, “Nichizo-bon (published)”, “Nichizo-bon (unpublished)” and “Shinshu-bon”. Among these, 595 items from “Nichizo-bon (unpublished)” have been newly digitized and released.
As of March 27, 2019, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,157,908 images of 13,518 titles.
Nichizo-bon (unpublished) is composed of the books on Japanese Buddhism collected for a planned but unrealized sequel to Nihon Daizokyo, a Zokyo in 48 volumes compiled in Japan including writings by more than 300 Japanese Buddhists. The collection includes writings by Buddhist priests of great learning of every Japanese Buddhist sect.
▼Nichizo-bon (unpublished), Zokyo Shoin Collection