New items - 1,924 titles including 1,647 titles from Fujikawa Coll.
1,924 newly digitized titles, including 1,647 titles from Fujikawa Collection, are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, in which a total of 900,314 images of 10,362 titles are available as of April 26, 2018.

Materials held by the Main Library
Fujikawa Coll. 1,647 titles
Tanimura Coll. 106 titles
Muroga Coll. 19 titles
Konoe Coll. 8 titles
Seike Coll. 1 titles
Shimada Coll. 1 titles
Documents on Education in Germany 6 titles
Other rare materials (jpn) 104 titles
Non-rare materials 12 titles
Semi-rare materials 1 titles
Materials held by Yoshida-South Library 7 titles
Materials held by the Graduate School of Letters 4 titles
Materials held by the Graduate School of Economics 8 titles